Welcome to Madhyapur Engineering Society!

Madhyapur Engineering Society (MES), established in 1997, is a non political social organization which is devoted for technically supporting Madhyapur Thimi Municipality. It aims to unite professional Engineering manpower residing within the Municipality in order to secure professional rights of the members.

MES has played an important role to formulate short term and long term policy and planning for the Municipality. It has been playing active role to make development process of the Municipality more efficient by providing technical assistance. From formulating the Building By Laws to organizing technical seminar, workshop, interaction program and capacity building training MES has been an active body.

Breaking the barriers of limiting itself only within the municipality, MES has organized various programs in association with various NGOs as well as INGOs such as GTZ, UDLE, NSET, ENPHO, TDP to list few.

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def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

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